Autumn is a harvest season for the peasant in a year; autumn is a golden word for the drawer; autumn is a new begins for the student; autumn is a poem for the poet… so what is the autumn for the Tibetans?
Since the run of the Qinghai Tibet railway, more and more people get the “heaven” to enjoy the pure life. And just as the experienced tourists said, the best time to have the travel in the Tibet is the autumn. Not only because the sight of the snow plateau is beautiful, but also there are some interesting and magnificent festivals. Such as the Bathing festival!
It is a special and unique festival in the Tibet, and the Tibetans pretty attach importance to it. It starts from the September 8th and continues for a week. So it is also called Bathing week. There are a lot of people have the bath in the river, no matter it is bright day, or a cloudy sky. The children, the olds, the women, the men…all of them get there to have the special bath. They have fun in the water; they wash the dirty of their body; they get the things which are needed the wash, for instance: the Tibet wool, the carpet, the cloth. Generally, the Tibetans always go to the river everyday of the Bathing festival; on the first day, they get the bath earnestly; and in the coming days of the festival, they just make the hair and foot to be wet; and when the last day of the festival, they will wash their body for a time serious. Also some tourist who has his or her Tibet travel from Shanghai or gets the travel form Lhasa to the Kathmandu also enjoy the special “natural bath” happily!
Also there are some charming legends about the Bathing festival. Maybe you have heard about that in the train from Beijing to Lhasa. It is said that there is a famous doctor in the grassland; his medical skill is pretty brilliant. So the Tibet king asks him to be the imperial physician, mainly treat the illness for the Tibet king and imperial concubine. But the doctor remain can not forget the common people of the grassland, he usually get back to treat for the people. One year, there is a kind of pestilence appears in the grassland, some people lost their life; and they doctor treat from one by one, and all of the people call him as the “medical king”. However it is so sorry that the doctor passed away in an accident. The pestilence comes to the grassland again, they only can ask they god for help. A women get the dream from the departed doctor, he ask her to get the bath when there is a bright star appears in the southeast of the sky. The woman becomes well after the bath; so all of the people get the river to have a shower. And every people recover the health. The people said that the star is the doctor, and the lord of the heaven only allows the doctor seven days to appear in the sky. From now on, the Tibetans make the seven days as the Bathing festival.
It is recorded by the Tibetan astronomical chronicle; the early autumn water has the eight advantages: sweet, cool, mild, gently, clear, and there are no stink, no harming to throat and no harming to abdomen. And these concluding have some scientific knowledge. The Tibet plateau has long winter and short summer. In the spring, the snow water get into the river, and it is cold to the people’s body; in the summer, the heavy rain make the river water muddy; in the winter, the weather is too cold to have wash. Only in the autumn, the temperature of the water is higher; the water is clear and peace. So it is more proper to choose this time to have the shower. Let the pure water wash the disease, the disaster, the pain and the worries. They are devout and pure; no one can think about how beautiful the scene of the Bathing festival is, if they do not get there.
The Bathing festival is not only a general festival for the Tibetans, but a new start of the year. All of the bad luck are washed off and flow down with the snow water. It is a new beginning and new life…no matter you believe it or not; all of them have the belief!