There are Laundromats in the street of Lhasa
Laundry services are available in Lhasa and you don’t need to worry about it if you do need such services during your Lhasa tour. Generally speaking, star hotels in Lhasa offer such laundry services. Some of the normal hotels, hostels or guesthouses also provide such services, while some do not. So before you register in a hotel, ask the hotel staff as whether laundry services are available in their hotel. However, if the hotels or guesthouses you live do not provide such laundry services, you don’t need to worry about it either. You can find such Laundromats in the street in Lhasa. There's one close to the Snowland Restaurant at the end of Barkhor Plaza. You can left your things in the morning and take it the day after, which is very quick and convenient. For more information about travel in tibet or Tibethotels, you may look at some Tibettravel guide or Tibettravel advice.
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